First Friday Movies at MBTS: 80 for Brady

Friday, June 25:30—7:30 PMManchester-by-the-Sea-Public-LibraryManchester-by-the-Sea Public Library15 Union Street, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA, 01944

Movies at the Library have returned! We will be showing a movie in our newly renovated Reference Room on the first Friday of every month at 5:30PM. We will supply the popcorn. Feel free to bring covered, non-alcoholic beverages. 

The movie this month, 80 for Brady has a MPA rating: PG-13; for brief strong language, some drug content and some suggestive references. "After decades of dreaming, a quartet of older women, who are dedicated football fans, finally decides to make a pilgrimage to the Super Bowl for the once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet their favorite player, noteworthy NFL mainstay Tom Brady. Along the way, a series of hijinks ensue."

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