Mindfulness Meditation Evening Session

Tuesday, February 45:00—6:00 PMOff Site: See Description For Details

Evening meditation happens weekly at 5PM, except for the 3rd Tuesday of the month. This event takes place in the meeting room at the First Parish Church Meeting Room, behind Santander Bank through the FPC office door and take a left. There is also a session at 11AM, every Tuesday as well. You are welcome to attend both or one or the other.

Alida Bryant is a Dharma Leader and meditation instructor under the guidance of Anam Thubten Rinpoche. She has been meditating for over 30 years (still very much a beginner!) and studying and practicing with lineage holders in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

Meditation, fundamentally, is about getting to know ourselves better. The mind is a powerful thing, and often leads us on a merry chase that does not always serve us. So we practice becoming familiar with it, coaxing it into the present moment, where it finds rest and ease… and then we do, too. We will learn that thoughts are not a problem in meditation – they are very much a part of our experience, but usually we don’t notice them. We’ll explore the meaning of the saying “You don’t have to believe everything you think!” (I have the bumper sticker to prove it!)

Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome. There will be guided meditation, some silence, and discussion. 

Please register if this is your first time coming to this mindfulness meditation program. We need either an email or a phone number in case we need to cancel or change venues last minute. Your contact info will be shared with the program facilitator who will only contact you about info pertaining to this library program. Please email mwillwerth@manchesterpl.org if you would like at any time to be removed from the contact list.


Capacity: 9 of 10 spaces available.

To register, please provide the following information:

Registrant InformationProvide your email address in order to receive notifications about the status of your registration.If this event is canceled, we will use the contact information you provide to get in touch with you. If you opt not to, please check the calendar prior to the event to ensure it is still taking place.
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Email reminders are sent 48 hours before the event takes place.