Take & Make Kits: Tiny Art
Friday, January 3All DayManchester-by-the-Sea-Public-LibraryManchester-by-the-Sea Public Library15 Union Street, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA, 01944
Kits are available until supplies last. One kit per person. Each kit includes a tiny canvas, acrylic paints, paint brushes, and a form. You can use any mediums and supplies so long as they fit on a 3X3 inch canvas. Return the canvas between January 6 - 10 for a chance to win a raffle prize and to be included in the art show. MBTS Tiny Art Show Reception is Saturday, January 25 from 1:30-3PM. Artwork may be picked up between February 1 - 7, or it will be thrown away. All ages and abilities welcome.
Need inspiration? Try out Creativebug for free using your library card! Creativebug is a resource that offers over 1,000 high-quality online videos in arts and crafts instructional workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screenprint, make jewelry and more! No matter what level maker you are, you can find a crafting medium that fuels your creative side!
No Registration Required